School today was ok. The usual, but recess was wayyyyyyyy boring. I'm going to suggest we bully AXY every friday, but I was busy with maths today haha. Pn.Paridah getting more and more irritating, moral teacher without moral?! A few minutes ago I was mapling haha! Grats Cheyenne 3rd job? LOL, leecher
Had to prepare a speech for Cambridge just now, but I totally forgotten about it. Had to rush it in 15 minutes. Look at it!

Am I good or what. It looks so messy haha!
I had to get it modified or I wouldn't be able to read! Teacher said it was ok. But I should have memorized?! No way, I'm not that hardworking and you know.
Me, Jeevan, Devan and Jarald planned to belasah Bryan KHOO after the bell rings. We did. Of course not really belasah la, for the fun of it.
Khoo: Wei wei wei dont la. I stomach ache want go back home.
Jeevan: So what, dont care la. Come Kent lets start.
While we were playing whacking him halfway...
Khoo: I'm MVP I ain't afraid of nothing (LOL)
Kent: Kena belasah teruk teruk still talk hhaha!
We belasah him somemore. Then suddenly Pn.Ker came. We carried him past Pn.Ker.
Jarald: Teacher he injured we bring him to PBSM hahhaha!
Khoo: Teacher they torturing me!
Pn.Ker: Eh let go of him let go of him. Hari Terbuka esok kamu masih bermain. Macam mana nak beritahu ibu bapa kamu?
Jeevan: Takpe cikgu, tak payah beritahu. Kami ni semua baik.
Then we chao! HAHA
That reminds me. Yea parents day is tomorrow. I'm dead, Pn.Ker is so against me. Well thats all for today!
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