Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Michael Jackson
King of Pop
and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight,
you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
You hear the door slam
and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
and hope that this is just imagination, girl!
But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind
You're out of time
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl
Thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Night creatures calling, the dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time(They're open wide)
This is the end of your life
They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see
That this is thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a
Killer, diller, chiller, thriller here tonight
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, ow!(I'm gonna thrill ya tonight)
Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'alls neighborhood
I'm gonna thrill ya tonight, ooh baby
I'm gonna thrill ya tonight, oh darlin
'Thriller night, baby, ooh!
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Transformers and Megan FOX
Went into both the 'haunted houses', didnt try the maze, because we heard you get poured with flour, which is an un-nice notion. Brian and Wei Phern tried Table Talk, utter chaos...they wasted many cups of water for no reason. The worst part of the day was the spraying cans, I got sprayed at least 8-9times.
I left at least RM30 worth of coupons. Had to go back at 12.30, couldnt stay with the others late. Went FACIAL! Extreme pain, but at least I slept abit.
Going to watch Transformers with Brian, Ys, Wp, Luke, Riku, Adrian and Ian I think. 100% going to laugh a plenty. Your fault la Brian. F3

Friday, June 26, 2009
Bryan the MVP?
School today was ok. The usual, but recess was wayyyyyyyy boring. I'm going to suggest we bully AXY every friday, but I was busy with maths today haha. Pn.Paridah getting more and more irritating, moral teacher without moral?! A few minutes ago I was mapling haha! Grats Cheyenne 3rd job? LOL, leecher
Had to prepare a speech for Cambridge just now, but I totally forgotten about it. Had to rush it in 15 minutes. Look at it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Boredom without school
Haha I skipped school today, had some problems with the stomach in the afternoon. Felt like vomiting, but I didnt need to luckily. Did absolutely nothing at home. Luckily I borrowed some books a few days before, or I'd be bored to death :/
I wonder if i missed anything in school.
Sat on the sofa and read books for.....3 hours I think. I've been doing secret mission everyday, Brian and Yh dont need to, dam them!

Thankfully my mum permitted a miserable 30minutes of computer for me to blog. Still its better than nothing. Thanks anyway mama :D Mapled a bit just to see whether I was roll-backed. I now know skipping school is very suffering and am definitely going tomorrow.
Brian: Why didnt come school today? H1N1? f3
Me: No la. I got H2N4
Brian: Reccess dam different without you
A gay statement OMG! Dont be offended Mr.Lee, but still I do enjoy recesses when we can spread peoples legs and bang them to something solid. Oh yeah!
Well see you guys at school tomorrow. Its late now and I'm tired. Good night!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Late Late
Found LaLaBoy people there, we played with Wp's jacket which was more like RAINCOAT! Quite lala, but still looks good on his body. How he get this body, everyday doing nothing at home. Went out with friends till 5.30.
Came home. Bathed. Mapled a few hours doing nonsense and here I am typing this post. Simple
School's tomorrow, omg, homework not done yet. I really feel like skipping but with my mother thats impossble. As some of you may notice, everyone's still depressed. I hope this will be over soon. Its mood-spoiling to see people having bad moods. Everybody cheer up :)
Well its late now, I've got to go and sleep. Nothing else to say anyway.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Funny Incident in the Past
Linkin Park - New Divide
Hello Everyone!
Many people are depressed now? I have no idea, but I'm not though. And the ones out there who are not, better not get depressed, or this environment will be more and more depressing. THIS TOPIC IS DEPRESSING.
Really miss extremely funny minigames with Brian and Yh when we used to play deep into the night during the holidays. Hope I'll be able to get the chance to do that again.

Alright people, my post is coming to an end. I hope this world will lighten up a bit. Remember life is short, so don't waste it mumbling and complaining, live it to the fullest.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saringan Sukan
1st event was 1500m. I think Zheng Wei won? Forgot lols. Then was 100m, which was 1 of my events. Dam nervous, racing against Xing Yiow and Ibrahim. When the race ended, i realized yet again, that i was faster than Ibrahim, only my starting slow. 2nd saringan for 100m Yee Xin 1st! Dam nice la gay! Must be careful of him next time =) (Me and Yee Xin in finals which is on Sports Day)
Not long after it was one of my events again, 400m. This time it was a race with pros again == Hilman Hafiz, Gilbert, Danial Francis... Starting i sprinted jog until left 150m i saw only Gilbert in front of me so i full sprinted the remaining, got 1st wow x)
When i went back to my seat, Jason told me, "E Kent, 400m finals is today also at 1~2pm". So i was half happy, half OMG. 8 out 10 ppl of the 1st and 2nd saringan for 400m went into finals. That was, Gilbert, Hilman, Yau Shen, Chung Ren, Danial Francis, Ganendra, Heng Jia and me.
"Lorong satu, K242" means me, 1st lane?! I hate 1st lane. Starting Yau Shen sprint full and was leading for 200m. Me, Yau and Hilman were top 3, i use same tactic, sprinted from 150m and got 1st AGAIN WOOO!!! ;DDD (My 1st thought, secured gold medal on Sports Day!)
Then was 200m, Jason and Yee Xin taking part. Jason was racing with Ibrahim, so he was really scared. When they started, saw Jason BLOODY fast! last 20m he overtake Ibrahim weeee!! Another finalist for Kasturi! 2nd saringan Yee Xin race with Nik Danial, saw him push!!! In the end Yee Xin got 1st AGAIN?! Scary == (Jason and Yee Xin in finals)
Then was the last event 800m. There was no finals, only this 1 race. Starting saw Naufal(lekiu) sprint full?! Wrong move man. Followed by Nik Danial and Chung Ren then Gilbert. For 400m Naufal was leading, then he slowed down thoroughly and let Nik who was pushing hard overtake him. Then suddenly Nik Danial slowed down too, and Gilbert was leading, 2nd Chung Ren!!
Last 100m Chung Ren sprinted hard but was overtaken by Yuva(Jebat). So Gilbert was 1st in 800m, 2nd Yuva, 3rd CHUNG REN THE PRO! You rock today man! Saringan ended at 2 something, we went to Mcd in Taipan for lunch. Me, Ys and Gilbert walked all the way back to ss18 after that. Post is long enough so.. =)
The End
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
MSSD Running
Our event (4x100m) was delayed from 10.30am to 12pm. Then when it was our turn, we were like "oh finally" and "dam nervous ah" Tengku Ibrahim got off the a good start and got to Gilbert at 3rd place, saw Gilbert running towards me so i got prepared. Gilbert reached me at 4th or 5th position, and i caught the baton nicely then sprinted off. Saw that others were overtaking me, but luckily i reached Yiow at 2nd position, and Yiow kept it 2nd all the way.
When finish we were very confident we made it to the finals. We decided to go to Pizza Hut for lunch, rather than eat the food provided at the stadium. We took a special road to the highway ~~the drain road LOLS!

Took this stupid picture while walking the drain road XDD
After eating lunch, we walked back to stadium using the drain road again. Then suddenly, Norman slipped on the mud. We all laughed like mad, then decided the drain road wasnt safe anymore. So we used the walkway. When we reached the stadium, we searched our name in the board. SMK Subang Utama - Dibatalkan( Disqualified) WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I still had 1 more event, that is 4x400m. Nik Danial was the 1st runner, and he passed the baton after running 400m to Tengku Ibrahim at 5th position. Tengku was good, and quickly passed the baton to me at the same position. I pushed, and cut 1 guy who keep looking back, then luckily cut 1 more who was too tired.
In the end got 5th place, because the team was in bad condition. But Subaness and his team got 1st place in 4x400 WOO! =] Bus came at 6pm and we reached school at 6.30 due to jam. Had a really enjoying day, though didn't win.
Oh by the way, Ibrahim was hyper active today =D and sorta gay...
The End
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A Weary Day
Xing Yiow didn't come to MPSJ so Oscar temporarily took over his place in 4x100m. I was 1st runner, Oscar 2nd runner, Johnson 3rd runner, Ibrahim last runner. We had a friendly with the L1 4x100m ppl which means Tengku Rais 1st runner (against me @#$%! die), Nikko 2nd runner, Lawrence Tan 3rd runner and Vimal last runner.
Kegarisan....Sedia...Mula..Rais overtook me, lols, Nikko started 1 second before i reach Oscar zzz. In the end we lost like sh*t =] We did curving practice later on, then only i realize...Ibrahim (form 1) is faster than me (form 2), malu sial. =0
Followed Oscar's mum then back to SU, i saw friends at the volleyball court so i went to join them. Today, we lost to the girls in volley for the 1st time at 25-21, so pay them $2 as reward. Went to 19 for lunch, but i didn't eat. When we came back, saw a taxi driver arguing with 3 students. The shouting was obviously loud, so we stood 20m away watching for 5 mins.
Prepared for the football training that was scheduled at 2pm then me, Yau, Nik Danial and Joshua followed my mum there. There was a game and we lost 4-2. We walked back to 18 to relax for a short period, while YS keep gay-ing with Ibrahim who was obviously not enjoying him =="
Went back home at 6.45pm to eat Italian dinner at Taipan, then watched TV until 1am..afterwards...sleep.
The End
21/2/09 Saturday
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Day 6 of CNY
We waited another 20mins for Nickson. Called him, only received his funny caller ring tone LOLS! We decided to give up waiting and just go on for jogging. We started to jog from the school padang's gate once we warmed-up. Ended up me finishing far ahead the others MUAHA! lols
Then we wanted to eat lunch, Yau Shen didnt want to follow so we went ourselves. Halfway, Ganendra came out from nowhere and joined our table. Chatted until Jason's mum came to fetch him. Ganendra continued his futsal match while i walked back home. Then my father and my aunty, aunty, aunty, aunty, uncle, cousin, cousin, cousin and cousin went to KL for shopping.
When they came back, i was playing football. At night, attended one of my uncle-in-law's open house. Got steamboat, satay, yee sang bla bla. Came back home a 10.45pm then here i am typing this post. xD
The End
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
DInner With Mother's Side
Waited for likee 30mins then only the food arrived. Fried noodles with quill's eggs. Then the four seasons dish or whatever came. Followed by suckling pig, then steamed fish and prawns.
Halfway, some1 dressed as the Fortune God(Chai Shen Ye) came in lols, gave everyone in the room an angpau When he was gone, we open the angpau.....4D number HAHAH! Then was abalone lols, so expensive, and it isnt suited to my taste =] Then was a soup of bird nest that my uncle brought.
My uncle as usual, got drunk...and when we went to my grandma's hse for a visit, he was arguing with the the neighbour and did all kinds of stupid things, luckily the neighbour was understanding and things settled quickly. After sitting around chatting for awhile, we went back to the place where we stayed = my aunts hse and resumed our LAN gaming. Good Night.
The End
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Chinese New Year
26/01/09 Monday
1st day of Chinese New Year, btw Happy CNY evry1. Morning woke up at abt 8am, luggage already packed the day before so we just dumped everything into the car boot. Ate breakfast at some kopitiam on the way to Johor. Reached my grandma's hse in Batu Pahat at 11am. Saw some of my uncles and aunties from my mother's side that were already there, and of course - got alot angpau=]
At 1pm, went to visit my father's side family, and got another bunch of angpau. Ate lunch at uncles hse, got alot pork xD Then after some chatting, went back to my grandma's hse where i did nth but msg my friends and read book. Ate dinner there, then went to sleep.
27/01/09 Tuesday
2nd day of CNY, i was certain i slept until 11am at least, but when i checked the time, it was only 9.30am. Saw Carrot cake and spicy mee on the table when i came downstairs, but i didnt feel hungry. Instead, i went analizing my grandma's Arowana fish =] Then again went to my uncle's hse again for lunch with alot of pork. This time, was stuck there till 4hrs, then visited my father's aunty aka Gambling Queen LOLS.
Then went to the restaurant that we booked 2 tables. Main dish was Shark Head, i know some of you may find this disgusting, but as a matter of fact, it is quite delicious. Then saw cousins, playing fireworks for awhile and went back home to sleep.
28/01/09 Wednesday (Today)
Already the 3rd day of CNY, this time, i woke up at 10am and we went straight for a simple lunch at a coffee shop which is a resemblance of the Old Town Kopitiam or Old Taste in KL. Only 2x cheaper than KL hehe. Then my mum suggest we follow her to 1 of my aunts hse, a semi-detached hse. We knew how boring it is to remain sitting on 1 part of the sofa for decades, so we decided to go to 1 of my aunts that has Wireless Internet. Then my brothers took out their notebooks (laptop) and started surfing the net, whereas i was sitting around bored msg-ing frens
Then, my cousin offered me to take on her laptop which can access wireless. Hell yeah, how could i possibly resist? Of course was all i said, then now i am, posting this =]
The End
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tiring Day
Then Gilbert arrive followed by Tengku Ibrahim, then some senior girl call us jog 2 rounds for warm-up. Then Subaness or how to spell nt sure and his gang came call us do stretching. The stretching was a long series of...well..stretching!! ;D after like 1 hrs we start to run. My 1st run was 100m, got 2nd thanks to XY zzz. The coach said top 3 selected, but they didnt record pun ==
Then so fast finish d. I saw Gilbert exhausted. Then Manojh offered me to run 800m wif him, so me, Darren Ong, DJ and Manojh went 800m. When jog 200m, DJ suggest we cut down to 400m, he tired. After finish the 400m, Nik Danial come ask me jog wif him another 800m. After run halfway again, Nik aso say stomach pain, so cut down to 400m again XD
Went eat KFC after finish running, and cooling down. Then me and Nik decided to walk all the way from Taipan to SS18. Stopped for some shade at SMK Seafield then walk to court 2 lepak kejap. Stayed there for 20mins then ciao back home. After take bath, wa, nid to go out shopping for new year == Cant sleep d.
Came back at 6.00+pm with some new shirts and pants. I straight away went to take a nap. Woke up at 7pm with nothing else to do. So i went friendster for awhile then decided to update my blog. So here i am, typing this post.
The End