My partner already waiting there, with my other classmates and other students from other Cambridge branches. All aso so nervous, only i mood no good so no nervous =P Then we get to know that my partner and I were the 1st pair to take the exam WTF? But good also la, get to go back earlier..When we enter the examination room, the examiner give us some pictures then ask us compare the pictures la bla bla and then give me and my partner 1 paper, inside got all the pictures of hard jobs, ask us to discuss which 1 is hardest.
Then lastly, examiner ask us about our opinion, ask 'Do you think a person should spend his entire life on a single job or changing around?' Of coz changing around la, then nid jelaskan why you say so. After that we finish the exam d, so fast...relax
Then when my father came pick me up, he aso ask, 'Why so fast finish? Examiner fail u?' then i say 'No la, examiner see I too good to be true, scared me d.' Then my parents bring me go 1 Utama, eat and shopping == But in the end aso good cuz

Got a new phone, S60 ( Nokia 5320) =DD
So in the end, my bad mood lifted and the day turned bright.
The End
posted on 4/12/2008
post about 3/12/2008
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