Our event (4x100m) was delayed from 10.30am to 12pm. Then when it was our turn, we were like "oh finally" and "dam nervous ah" Tengku Ibrahim got off the a good start and got to Gilbert at 3rd place, saw Gilbert running towards me so i got prepared. Gilbert reached me at 4th or 5th position, and i caught the baton nicely then sprinted off. Saw that others were overtaking me, but luckily i reached Yiow at 2nd position, and Yiow kept it 2nd all the way.
When finish we were very confident we made it to the finals. We decided to go to Pizza Hut for lunch, rather than eat the food provided at the stadium. We took a special road to the highway ~~the drain road LOLS!

Took this stupid picture while walking the drain road XDD
After eating lunch, we walked back to stadium using the drain road again. Then suddenly, Norman slipped on the mud. We all laughed like mad, then decided the drain road wasnt safe anymore. So we used the walkway. When we reached the stadium, we searched our name in the board. SMK Subang Utama - Dibatalkan( Disqualified) WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I still had 1 more event, that is 4x400m. Nik Danial was the 1st runner, and he passed the baton after running 400m to Tengku Ibrahim at 5th position. Tengku was good, and quickly passed the baton to me at the same position. I pushed, and cut 1 guy who keep looking back, then luckily cut 1 more who was too tired.
In the end got 5th place, because the team was in bad condition. But Subaness and his team got 1st place in 4x400 WOO! =] Bus came at 6pm and we reached school at 6.30 due to jam. Had a really enjoying day, though didn't win.
Oh by the way, Ibrahim was hyper active today =D and sorta gay...
The End